Oxford University Engineering Society

Bank of America Merrill Lynch Logo

Beyond the Bubble - Bank of America Merrill Lynch

An evening with our Gold Sponsor.

Whilst Bank of America Merrill Lynch (BAML) are one of the world leaders in investment banking, what you may not know is that in order to process all their transactions, a lot of very complex software is required.
But who supplies this software? It's quite simple; BAML also has one of the world's largest technology departments, who would be in the top 6 of tech firms if they were spun out. With starting salaries in line with those in finance, as well as the opportunity of working and living in London, there are fewer more appealing tech careers in the job market today.
Attending this talk will allow you to see first hand the software BAML's technology department produces, as well as more information on how you can forge a career as a technologist in BAML, with refreshments provided afterwards.

Location: The Oxford Union

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